It’s More Than a Job, It’s…A Career

Laborers’ Union Local 169 is a team that helps you succeed. Members are united through collective bargaining agreements, which helps create jobs with family-supporting pay, good benefits, opportunity for advancement and better lives.


Local 169

Sign Up for New Training

The training is available to our members at no charge, but space is limited, so please sign up for new training.  Register online, or contact us at  (775) 343-0171, or

See our Training Class Schedule.

Membership Benefits

Make sure you’re getting the most out of your membership. Update your skills listing (it’s used in job dispatch). Keep beneficiary cards up to date. Help us help you. Attend a Union meeting and receive all the benefits of your union membership.

Log into our Members Area.


Union Meetings

The Union Meeting happens at 7 p.m. at the Union Hall monthly on the 4th Thursday except in Oct., Nov. & Dec.

  • Mar. 27 at 7pm
  • April 24 at 7pm
  • May 22 at 7pm

Check our calendar for all events.


We have strength in numbers. LiUNA members raise their voices by the thousands to push lawmakers to protect workplace rights. When unions are strong, America is strong.



to improving our contracts, benefits and job security. We fight for the salaries and benefits needed to support families. We protect members to grant the peace of mind to do your job.

Gain Skills

Apprenticeship: Get Paid While You Learn

Earn money while you learn the trade. Get hands-on experience and 300 hours of training. Gain skills in everything from general construction, to pipe laying, to pouring concrete and much more. You’ll graduate with a journeyman’s level skill and higher pay.


Contractors: Gain a Quality Workforce & a Business Partner

Join the tens of thousands of local-level LIUNA contractors that make their businesses more successful through a safe, skilled and productive workforce. Have one less thing to worry about. Local 169 and our signatory contractors work together to raise industry standards, improve contract procurement, promote quality and protect the bottom line.
Learn More

News & Information

Citizenship Fair on Oct. 21 from 10am-2pm

Citizenship Fair on Oct. 21 from 10am-2pm

Attend our Citizenship Fair to start your Journey towards U.S. citizenship! WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 21 from 10a.m. to 2p.m. WHERE: 570 Reactor Way, Reno, NV 89502 Get free legal assistance filling out your application and have your questions answered. Take advantage of...

Reno Laborfest 2023

Reno Laborfest 2023

Attend Reno Laborfest in Idlewild Park on Sept. 4. The laborfest will have live music, food trucks, a beer garden, a classic car Show & Shine, a kids’ zone, and more.

Contact Us

Union Hall

570 Reactor Way
Reno, NV 89502
Get Directions


M-F: 7am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm
S-S: Closed

Call Us

(775) 856-0169

Email Us

Laborers' Training Center

Local 169 Office

Elko Office

Laborers' Training Center

Local 169 Office

Elko Office

Laborers' Training Center

50 Wild Horse Canyon Drive
Sparks, NV 89434
M-F: 7am - 4pm
(775) 343-0171
Get Directions

Elko Office

518 Idaho Street #5
Elko, NV 89801
Office (775) 778-0111
Get Directions