Local 169 News

The 5 Available $2,000 Arnold/Jones/Evans Scholarships Close Soon. Apply Now!
Nevada high school seniors in the graduating class of 2020 with a 2.0 or higher GPA may apply for this scholarship One parent must be an active or retired member in good standing of any local union affiliated with the Nevada State AFL-CIO. Student must be planning to attend a college, university, vocational or trade school. Five scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each will be offered.

Tell Reno City Council We Support Affordable Housing & Jobs Provided by Daybreak Project
Voice Your Support for Construction Jobs & Affordable Housing Today! The Reno City Council will reviewing whether this project should be built Tomorrow on Wednesday, July 22 and we need your feedback sent by 4pm today. The 3,995 homes planned at Daybreak represent...

Support Ernie Rosas, Union Member Recently Paralyzed Due To Impaired Driver
Local 169 Union Member Ernie Rosas was on his way into work at Q&D Construction when an impaired driver hit his car on the morning of June 1, 2020. As a result, he has lost the use of both legs and one arm. Rosas recently had a baby. His coworkers say that he had...

Support the Daybreak Project, Affordable Housing, Construction Jobs & Smart Development
The 3,995 homes planned at Daybreak represent an important step toward addressing the housing needs of middle-class working families in Reno. With their attainable prices, well-considered designs and access to nearby employment...

Congratulations to Recent Local 169 Apprenticeship Graduates
Congratulations to our newest Apprentices! Richard “Skip” Daly, the Local 169 Business Manager stands between the grads.Congratulations to the recent graduates of the Laborers' Union Local 169 Apprenticeship Program. Featured in the picture at right, their names...